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Paws and Plants: Creating a Pet Safe Indoor Jungle

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

Not all houseplants are built the same! For those of us who love our pets just as much as we love our plants, it is important to bring non-toxic plants into our home so our fur babies can be safe and happy! I've listed my top 5 hourseplants that are pet friendly! In addition to this list, there are many more plants that are pet safe. Whenever bringing home do your research so you can be sure it is a plant that is safe for everyone in your home, escpecially if you have a curious creature!

Disclaimer: All of the plants listed can still cause diarrhea and/or vomiting, similar to how some animals vomit after eating grass. It is best practice to keep an eye on your plants and pets to see if they are being consumed. If your pet ingested a large amount, please consult your vet. Keep out of reach from your pet if they enjoy nibbling on plants regularly.

Spider Plant

The spider plant is a great option outside of being pet friendly. Spider plants are easy to care for and add a unique look to your indoor jungle. If you do not have one I highly recommend adding one to your collection!

Maranta (Prayer Plant)

The maranta, or more commonly know as prayer plant, is a gorgeous plant with beautiful leaves. Their leaves will rise and lower with the light giving them their name. Marantas can be more needy in their care as they tend to like a fair amount of humidity. Although many people have great success with them.

Bamboo Palm

This plant is a personal favorite of mine. I have one that is almost touching my ceiling! The bamboo palm, and most palms are pet friendly. Although I did my best, my dogs got into my palm when they were puppies and they came away unscathed. I highly recommend it both as a beginner friendly and pet friendly plant!


The orchid plant is a gorgeous addition to any home due to their stunning blooms. If you are looking for a plant that may challenge you a bit (in my opinion) and keep your jungle safe for your fur babies, this is the plant! There are also many different varities to choose from!

Air Plant

If you want a unique plant that adds something different to your home, the air plant is for you and your pets! The air plants are not planted in soil and instead are occassionaly soaked in water when needed. Plus if your animal accidently gets into them, they will be okay!

Do you have plants that you recommend for your pets? Please share in the comments!

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